Friday, May 14, 2010

Carbon footprint murals at Cherbourg

Cherbourg State School and the IKC are working with community members to produce 5 large murals with educational materials to support them to speak to the community about what people mean by carbon footprint, carbon sequestration, pollution, and what our responsibility is regarding these matters. We are discovering that what Cherbourg people used to know and practice in the past might be better practice than what is happening today, and that the 'new green' can learn from the 'old black'. We will be gathering community knowledge, and creating some exciting new educational materials to use in communities like Cherbourg. The project honours the elders and their knowledge and provides opportunities for children to listen to their elders and also to share some of their new knowledge with them. This project must be finished by mid June and will be launched then. We are excited and will post some pictures as soon as the project goes into full swing next week.

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